Hang 10 with Birdie: Matt Hranek

Hang 10 with Birdie: Matt Hranek



Welcome back to Hang 10 with Birdie, where we catch up with friends Birdwell has made along the way, in and out of the water. In this edition, we managed to pin down Matthew Hranek in one place long enough to answer a few questions. Matt’s (paid to be) a full-time traveler, explorer, eater, and drinker. He is also a part-time photographer, filmmaker, blogger, men's style editor of Condé Nast Traveler, and occasional TV host. Matt has 20 years' experience navigating airports, train stations, hotels, restaurants, and bars worldwide. Mostly on the road and with his ear to the ground, he is inspired by the old school as well as the new.


1) Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly?

    • I would fly...rather soar, no more traffic, no more TSA – TOTAL INDEPENDENCE

2) If you could only listen to one album for the rest
    • Nirvana unplugged or beggars banquet

3) Favorite book?
    • Cod by Mark Kurlansky. Tells the history of the modern world through a northern Atlantic deep water fish can be very exciting.


4) What posters did you have on your walls when you were growing up?

    • Cheryl Tiegs, and a Porsche 911 Targa (a car I now own. Sadly, I never met Cheryl!!)

5) What’s your favorite word, or one you use all the time?
    • Fuck and vernacular

6) Best compliment you ever received?
    • I look like a fat Val Kilmer (I was heavier...)


7) Your perfect pizza?

    • NEW YORK STYLE...sauce and cheese with tons of garlic salt, oregano and chili flakes (with a cheap cold Pilsner)
8) Favorite appliance or tool?
    • Hammers prove to be useful from picture hanging to ice crushing to flattening a veal Milanese.

9) Favorite Birdie style?
    • Classic all the way – in the shortest possible (310)

10) Best memory in Birdwells?
    • I remember calling the cutting floor in the early 90’s and ordering shorts from the then owner. When they finally arrived in the craziest color combos I could not be happier. I LIVED in those things and travelled all over the world with a pair in my bag!


Follow him on his blog, The William Brown Project.