Hang 10 with Birdie: Levi Prairie

Hang 10 with Birdie: Levi Prairie



Welcome back to Hang 10 with Birdie, where we catch up with friends Birdwell has made along the way, in and out of the water. In this edition, we’re stoked to be joined by Levi Prairie, one of the most refreshing and unique surfers on a longboard today and winner of the recent Innocnts “1 WV, 1 FN” contest. Levi is a member of the Costa Mesa Surf Club; a guitar player and singer in his band, Distractor; the test pilot for his brother’s creations, Dash Surfboards; and one of those guys who always seems to be having a better time than just about everyone else. Dive in to our chat with Levi about surfing, life, and everything in between.


1) Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly?

  • Fly...Duh.

2) Would you rather be able to have night vision or to paddle as fast as a jet ski?

  • I like this question. Ummm paddle like a jet ski. I’d just really like to see someone’s arms move that quickly.



3) If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?

  • Wave hunting in British Columbia.

4) If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your days, which one would it be?

  • This question is just mean. Ummm first thing that pops in my head is Disraeli Gears by Cream.



5) What posters did you have on your walls when you were growing up?

  • Didn’t really have any posters but I had a fold out insert that came with a DEVO cd up there, and a picture of Keith Moon that I ripped out of a magazine. I drew a moustache on him.

6) What’s your favorite word, or one you use all the time?

  • “Yar!”

7) Best compliment you ever received?

  • CJ Nelson once caught me coming out of the water at Malibu and told me he enjoyed my surfing. I was at a loss of words.



8) What’s in your car trunk right now?

  • Don’t have a car.



9) Any pre-surf rituals you MUST do?

  • If it’s the morning, coffee.

10) Last product you recommended?

  • Hahahaha! I suggested to my mom that she drink a thc orange soda to help with some back pain. Lemme tell you, that was a mistake. She was hiiiiiiigh and so scared. She cried for like 6 hours straight. I felt absolutely terrible. But in retrospect it’s pretty funny.