Hang 10 with Birdie: Doug Walker

Hang 10 with Birdie: Doug Walker



Welcome back to Hang 10 with Birdie, where we catch up with friends Birdwell has made along the way, in and out of the water. This time we’re connecting with commercial film editor and surf archivist Doug Walker, the man behind The Lost and Found Collection, a 168-page book that documents surfing’s golden age in pictures. Growing up in Los Angeles, Doug always had a passion for the surfing life, but it wasn't until he stumbled upon a cache of 30,000 undeveloped negatives from Surfing Magazine at the Rose Bowl Flea Market that it became his mission to share it with the world. Forever humble and full of aloha, Doug's spent the past nine years seeking out the original photographers, surfers, and friends whose stories he found in those negatives — and thankfully, he’s got no plans to stop now.


1) Which three people, living or historical, would you invite to dinner? Why?

  • The Duke , John Severson, and Leroy Grannis. Legend, Art, Film & Stories



2) Where are you as you answer these questions?

  • Home office, scanning history Malibu 1962


3) Favorite book?

  • Child Of The Storm by Kirk Aeder

4) What posters did you have on your walls when you were growing up?

  • Every issue of the mag plus a Dirty Harry poster because my Mom worked for Warner Bros



5) Best compliment you ever received?

  • Thank you for what you do.

6) What’s in your car trunk right now?

  • 2 tripods and a blanket



7) Any pre-surf rituals you MUST do?

  • More stretching

8) Favorite wave?

  • Right point breaks. Malibu, Steamer Lane



9) Coolest animal you’ve bumped into out in the water?

  • Giant Eel in Baja with 1000’s of other fish. And I Just had an amazing experience petting a deer out of the water

10) Favorite Birdie style? (310/311/312/808/Walk Shorts/Original Fit)

  • 311 – Always RED and that Jacket that Paul Strauch has been wearing!!!



Doug Walker
